Saturday 12 September 2009

Jejak Langkah Semangat Ahlul Badr Selimuti Masjid Agung Attin

Waktu maghrib masih beberapa puluh menit lagi, puluhan jamaah Majelis Rasulullah SAW sudah mulai mendatangi Masjid Agung Attin. Diantara mereka, ada yang hadir bersama beberapa kawan sebayanya, ada pula keluarga-keluarga kecil yang hadir bersama anak-anak mungil mereka. semua menunjukkan wajah penuh semangat seolah tak ingin tertinggal satu detikpun acara Dzikir Akbar Majelis Rasulullah SAW untuk memperingati malam Nuzulul Quran dan Haul Ahlul Badr Al Kubra yang baru akan dimulai setelah shalat tarawih selesai.

Adzan maghrib segera berkumandang, puluhan jamaah kini telah berbilang ratusan. Mereka asyik menggelar makanan yang mereka bawa sekedar untuk berbuka puasa. Ada yang duduk di bawah pohon, ada yang menggelar koran di pelataran masjid, semua serba sangat sederhana. Sungguh, Suasana terasa begitu akrab, seolah sebuah keluarga yang sedang menyelenggarakan jamuan besar di tengah udara hangat yang sangat bersahabat.

Menjelang waktu isya, suasana semakin ramai, antrian sepeda motor tampak mulai menyemut memasuki lahan perparkiran yang tersedia. Kibaran-kibaran bendera Majelis Rasulullah SAW yang dibawa para jamaah bermotor itu seperti lambaian-lambaian tangan yang mengabarkan kehadiran Pecinta Rasulullah SAW dan mengajak setiap jiwa yang melihatnya untuk turut bersama mereka menuju perhelatan mulia, seperti membangunkan jiwa-jiwa yang tertidur untuk bangkit bersama dengan semangat para pecinta Rasulullah SAW.

Setelah Shalat isya dan tarawih berjamaah, Jamaah semakin menyemut. Langkah mereka sangat cepat memasuki ruangan-ruangan di dalam Masjid Agung Attin, setiap jengkal tempat yang luang adalah kesempatan mendekat pada kemuliaan dan keberkahan, mungkin itulah yang ada di benak ribuan jamaah yang rata-rata berusia muda. Hingga mereka tak menyia-nyiakan kesempatan meski harus rela berdesakan. Suasana di luar Masjid, tidaklah jauh berbeda dengan di dalam. Ribuan jamaah terus membanjiri jalan-jalan masuk menuju lokasi acara. Kemacetan tak terhindarkan karena konsentrasi ratusan ribu massa di satu tempat. Dari lokasi yang lebih tinggi, peci-peci putih jamaah seolah untaian kapas yang berterbangan pelan tertiup semilirnya angin, semua bergerak perlahan membanjiri ruang-ruang lapang yang tersisa. Sungguh pemandangan yang menggetarkan hati siapa saja yang menyaksikannya. Tanpa suara bising mereka hadir, masing-masing saling menjaga kekhusyukan menuju tempat yang mulia.

Waktu menunjukkan pukul 21.00 WIB, kepadatan jamaah semakin memuncak di ruang dalam Masjid. Sesaat setelah acara intern Masjid Agung Attin Selesai. Khadim Majelis Rasulullah SAW, Habib Munzir Bin Fuad Al Musawa memasuki ruang acara diiringi beberapa tamu dari Pejabat Pemerintah, Para Ulama dan Habaib, serta tamu undangan. Habib Munzir tampak sangat tenang dan berwibawa, raut wajahnya menggambarkan keharuan dan kekhusyukan yang mendalam.

Tanpa banyak membuang waktu, lantunan Maulid Adhiya Ulami segera dibacakan. Suara Habib Munzir yang berat dan bergetar membacakan bait-bait awal syair maulid berpadu dengan riuhnya suara penuh semangat ratusan ribu pemuda yang sudah sangat familiar dengan syair maulid karya Guru Mulia Al Habib Umar Bin Salim Bin Hafidz ini. Langit-langit Masjid Agung Attin disesaki dengan suara yang menggambarkan keindahan Manusia Termulia Sayyidina Muhammad SAW. Saat prosesi Mahallul Qiyam berlangsung, jamaah semakin berusaha mendekat ke depan podium, teriakan lantang dan hysteria pujian tak bisa dibendung, air mata kerinduan pada Manusia yang paling dicintai ALLAH SWT tak bisa pula tertahankan. Sungguh malam yang penuh dengan kesyahduan cinta dan kerinduan.

Setelah pembacaan Maulid, acara kembali dilanjutkan dengan lantunan qasidah “Alaina”, qasidah tertua yang dilagukan Rasulullah SAW saat perang Khandaq. Qasidah tersebut berisi doa-doa untuk menenangkan para sahabat yang saat itu terkepung pasukan kaum kuffar. Lagi-lagi suasana haru dan syahdu tak bisa dibendung, Imajinasi para jamaah seolah dibawa pada situasi dan suasana saat Rasulullah SAW berusaha menenangkan hati para sahabat kala itu. Tidak sedikit jamaah yang menitikkan air mata haru menyimak kata per kata lantunan merdu suara Muhammad Qalby, munsyid Majelis Rasulullah SAW.

Kesempatan sambutan dari Gubernur DKI Jakarta, diwakilkan kepada Walikota Jakarta Timur, Drs. H. Moerdani. Dalam sambutannya Beliau sangat mendukung perkumpulan pemuda penuh kedamaian seperti Majelis Rasulullah SAW untuk meredam segala efek negatif kehidupan Kota Metropolitan seperti Jakarta. Jamaah di luar Masjid Agung Attin masih terus berdatangan hingga meluber ke tepi jalan di luar lokasi Masjid.

Tibalah saat Khadim Majelis Rasulullah SAW, Habib Munzir Al Musawa, memberikan tausyiahnya. Dalam rangka Memperingati Malam Nuzulul Quran, Habib Munzir mengajak semua jamaah untuk menggelorakan kembali kecintaan pada Al Quran. Al Quran merupakan surat cinta dari Sang Maha Pecinta kepada seluruh hamba yang dicinta, dengan membuka dan membaca kembali surat cinta tersebut berarti sama dengan memperbaharui cinta hamba pada Sang Maha Pecinta. Sungguh kemuliaan dan keagungan cinta Yang Maha luhur tak akan pernah selesai dan berhenti, cintaNya adalah abadi dalam keabadian.

Selanjutnya, Habib Munzir Al Musawa menggambarkan riwayat tentang Ahlul Badr dengan sangat rinci. Bagaimana semangat tiga ratus tiga belas Sahabat yang dengan gagah berani penuh ketenangan dan keagungan jiwa, menghadapi serangan tiga ribu orang pasukan kuffar bersenjata lengkap. Para Ahlul Badr dengan senjata yang sangat minim dan sederhana, hanya beberapa orang saja yang memiliki pedang dan kuda, sisanya hanya menggunakan alat pertanian dan batu serta berjalan kaki demi mempertahankan agama Allah SWT yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah SAW. Suara Habib Munzir Al Musawa terdengar lantang dan penuh semangat memaparkan bagaimana akhlak dan perilaku Imam Ahlul Badr, Rasulullah SAW dan para Ahlul Badr. Di tengah segala ancaman dari kaum kuffar, Rasulullah SAW masih meminta Ahlul Badr untuk tetap tenang dan tidak menyerang sebelum diserang. Sungguh pernyataan orang diluar islam yang menyatakan islam adalah agama yang penuh kekerasan sama sekali tidak terbukti.

Tausyiah Habib Munzir Al Musawa kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Dzikir Lafdhal Jalallah (Ya Allah) seribu kali. Dzikir ini menjadi puncak acara, ratusan ribu jamaah hanyut dalam munajat dan doa dalam dzikir tersebut. Suara Habib Munzir Al Musawa yang memimpin Dzikir sesekali meninggi dan penuh dengan kekuatan, bagai mentransfer energi positif cinta dan rindu kepada Robbul Alamin. Histeris kerinduan dan memohon pengampunan serta perlindungan pada Allah SWT menghujan dalam air mata ratusan ribu jamaah malam itu.

Acara akbar dan penuh kesyahduan berakhir setelah pembacaan Qasidah Tawassul Ahlul Badr, Qasidah yang sudah tidak asing ini begitu terasa berbeda malam itu, lebih terasa agung semangatnya, seolah Para Ahlul Badr benar-benar hadir di tengah-tengah ratusan ribu jamaah. Semangat itu pulalah yang kemudian dibawa pulang dalam benak para jamaah. Menjadi Oase semangat baru di tengah segala persoalan hidup. Semoga semangat dan akhlak pribadi-pribadi para Ahlul Badr terpatri dalam jiwa setiap pecinta Rasulullah SAW.

Terakhir Diperbaharui ( Wednesday, 09 September 2009 )

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Close Your Night Prayers with an Odd Number

قَالَ رسول الله صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : اجْعَلُوا آ خِرَصَلَا تِكُمْ بِاللَّيْلِ وِتْرًا (صحيح البخاري

Rasulullah S.A.W declared: “Close your night prayers with an odd number.” (Shahih Bukhari)

ImageAssalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Praise be to Allah S.W.T The Most Gracious, The Greatest Emperor, The Only God Almighty, The Creator of the whole world from nothing into something until it is all ended, and The Greatest in creating everlasting faith and obedience of all His servants. As the beginning of His everlasting Love within the eternal magnificence. How noble it is, the souls which remember Allah, and Allah S.W.T makes this world as the calling for all His servants.

Introducing the Perfection of Allah, introducing the Excellence of The Creator as declared by Allah “the creation of the whole world until the Judgment Day in the presence of Allah is as easy as creating one mankind”. (QS Luqman 28). There is nothing complicated for Rabbul Alamin to create so many variety of colors, characters and shapes under the perfect guidelines of life and Allah has declared, “the creation of the whole world from the start until the end has no difference than creating one mankind”.

Ladies, and gentlemen, this is the Most Perfect God, Allah. How noble it is, the souls which glorify Allah, how dignified it is, all the souls that wish for the blessings of God, leave sinful things, avoid disgraceful actions, welcome the sublimity, moreover when we enter the Islamic New Year (Muharram) that reminds us the start of departures of the Muhajirin Radiyallahu Anhum Ajmain. One by one had been allowed by The Prophet S.A.W to depart and move to Ardhul Madinah (Medina Land) and they moved to Madinah Al Munawwarah to wait for the arrival of The Prophet S.A.W. The Prophet S.A.W started to leave Mecca on the first week of the month of Rabiul Awwal. As written in Sirah Ibn Hisyam until the arrival of The Prophet S.A.W in Madinah Al Munawwarah on the 12th Rabiul Awwal.

Ladies and gentlemen, 1st Muharram is made as the beginning of Hijriyah (Islamic) calendar by Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab radiyallahu anhum, because in this month of Muharram, the permission to move to Madinah Al Munawwarah started, so that they were given the noble title, ‘Muhajirin’ (people who moved or departed to Madinah Al Munawwarah) to maintain and protect the continuation of Islam, such departure had been occurred many times. The first departure was to Habsyah, then Persia, and the last was to Madinah Al Munawwarah. Ladies and gentlemen being glorified Allah, The incident of Moslem’s eviction from Makkah Al Mukarramah which at first seemed to be the weak point and powerless of Islam, in fact the movement had spread out the God’s guidance light from West to East until returned 10 years later to Makkah Al Mukarramah, and made this Makkah Al Mukarramah a direction for prayer for all servants of Allah on earth from West to East to bow down and perform prayers.

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified Allah, Prophet S.A.W always called us towards nobility, called us towards happiness, and he know exactly things that would bring harms to us. Therefore The Prophet S.A.W guided us towards the most perfect guidance. He is our idol and my idol, Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. The idol who deserves most to be followed amongst all idols. The most dignified leader amongst all leaders and becomes the icon for all kind of people. Ladies and gentlemen, therefore Allah introduced The Prophet S.A.W in His command, “laqad jaa akum rasulun min anfusikum a’ziizun a’laihi maa a’nittum hariishun a’laikum bil mu’miniina raufurrahiim” QS. At Taubah : 128 (Has come a Prophet, being assigned for all of you, from your kind, from mankind. It is hard for him to see all of you suffer from disasters and troubles. He really protects all of you and towards the faithful people he is very soft and gentle). This is My Prophet and your Prophet who has been introduced by Allah as the most considerate and caring person towards all his people.

Ladies and gentlemen, his attention towards all people is far beyond our beloved one’s attention towards us. His guidance will always try to save all of us from sinful things in the world and the world beyond so that we are protected and saved from disasters, accidents, paltriness and humiliation, protected from any problems in the world and beyond. This is my Prophet and The Prophet of all of you and The Prophet of all of us, Sayyidina Muhammad S.AW.

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Indeed The Prophet S.A.W is not pleased if we only perform the compulsory religious duties(fardlu), so does Rabbul Alamin Allah S.W.T assigned The Prophet S.A.W to introduce recommendable religious activities (sunnah). In which once they perform it, they are getting closer towards Allah S.W.T. “If My servants come closer to Me by performing compulsory religious duties (fardhu), and they don’t want to stop there, indeed they continue getting closer to Me by also performing the recommendable religious activities (sunnah) until I love them.” (Shahih Bukhari). From this sentence, it is clearly explained that compulsory religious duties (fardhu) followed by recommendable religious activities (sunnah) will guide us to be loved by Allah S.W.T. This is the guidance from our Prophet, Muhammad S.A.W. And we have learnt that praying five times a day is the compulsory (fardhu) prayers and The Prophet S.A.W has guided us with more that that, which is continued with the recommendable prayers (sunnah). As written in one of the following hadits, “Ij’aluu akhira shalaatikum billaili witraa” (make your recommendable (sunnah) prayers at night ended with an odd number, which is witir prayer).

Ladies and gentlemen, The Prophet S.A.W never missed out to perform witir prayer. In safar aw hadhar (safar or at home), whether he is at home or on a trip, he never missed it. And in sick or health, whether he was able to stand up or sit, he never missed to perform witir prayer.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, for all of us who have understood the dignity of obligated prayers, it is highly recommended that we multiply its nobility by performing witir prayer. Because witir prayer is the noblest sunnah prayer as it is found through qiyamullail, for those who are able to perform it in the middle of the night, they could, or even better if we perform it after waking up from our sleep on the last part of the night (one third part of the night, around 3-4am before Subuh), which is more dignified. But for those who are not able to perform it on such late hours before dawn, do it after Isya prayer before sleeping and if possible after performing sunnah prayer ba’diyah after Isya prayer, then perform witir prayer for three rakaat, and witir is limited until 11 rakaat, then sleep. But if we are able to wake up few minutes before subuh prayer, it would be better to perform witir in the middle of the night or the last part of the night.

Ladies and gentlemen, as written in Shahih Bukhari and Shahih Muslim that Allah S.W.T comes down to earth, to the closest surface to this earth (on the last part of the night). But it doesn’t mean that Allah S.W.T comes down to earth literally, because Allah will never be entrapped into certain time nor place. What it really means is that Allah is very close to His servants who want to get closer to Him on the last part of the night. This particular time is the most beautiful moment for Allah S.W.T to welcome all His servants who love Him. Because on that moment, the servants who don’t love Allah S.W.T are still sound asleep. Hence Allah S.W.T are proud of them and boast them in front of His angels, look at My servants, they leave their comfy bed, leave their resting time at the time when others fall asleep, they bow down and prostrate religiously to glorify My Name.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the peak nobleness of all sunnah prayers, that is qiyamullail and naturally is ended with witir prayer. Then what if we have performed witir prayer after Isya’ prayer before we go to sleep, then we awake again at night, are we allowed to perform Tahajjud prayer again or not? Yes, we may perform Tahajjud prayer again, as for witir prayer, if we perform it twice, it will be considered makruh (should be avoided). Tahajjud prayer can be performed many times, qiyamullail before we sleep, after witir or after sunnah prayer at night. Sleep then wake up again for night prayer is allowed! Although we have performed witir prayer. Because what is wanted by The Prophet S.A.W and what is recommended is the odd number when performing it. Not how many times we perform witir, therefore 2 times witir is not allowed as it all will be ended with an even number, instead of an odd number.

My beloved audience being glorified by Allah, Therefore, if someone has performed witir prayer for 3 rakaat, and at night he wants to perform it again, 2 rakaat, 4 rakaat, 6 rakaat, 8 rakaat, as long as the total number is an odd number, it is allowed. This is the month of Muharram, thus I bring up this particular hadits with the hope that starting tonight, we will miss out to perform witir prayer until we pass away. May all of us are able to inherit the nobility of sunnah from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Perhaps there are some of the audience who have yet to perform the obligated 5 times prayers regularly, may all be given easiness by Allah to immediately perform 5 times prayers and progress themselves by performing witir prayer.

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, “Innal malaikat tushalli ala ahadikum maa daama fi mushallaahilladzi fiihi maa lam yahduts,” as mentioned in Shahih Bukhari, Prophet Rasulullah S.A.W declared, “indeed those angels are praying for those among you who are sitting on their praying mat while they are still having their wudhu”. While he is still sitting on his praying mat, either in a mosque or in musholla. “alladzi fiih ma lam yahduts, allahummarhamhu Allahummaghfirlahu, ” O’ Allah kindly forgive him, O’ Allah kindly love him (this is the pray of the angels while the person is still sitting on his praying mat). If we are still having our wudhu, be it reciting dzikir, or just being silent, or tafakkur, the angels are still praying for us. Therefore, after we perform shalat, it is highly recommended (sunnah) to sit longer on our praying mat if we are not in a hurry, to continue reciting our dzikir as being taught by Nabiyyuna Muhammad S.A.W. This is, ladies and gentlemen the quotation from Shahih Bukhari.

And also Rasul S.A.W explained that the angels will keep on praying and reciting isthighfar for us as long as we are still on our praying mat. How magnificent it is, ladies and gentlemen, our Prophet opens up the doors to dignity for as long as we live, even as we sit on our praying mat, Allah S.W.T glorifies us when we are there. Subhanallah!! If only we sit on our praying mat for a while, hence what about our prayer? If Allah keeps on glorifying us at the place for our shalat while we are sitting there, before we break our wudhu, then what about our shalat? Definitely it will be even more glorifying and noble, the bigger nobility will certainly be given by Allah S.W.T.

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Nabiyyuna Muhammad S.A.W would never feel satisfied and would always be there to help his followers who are in trouble and difficulties. As written in Shahih Muslim, when one of the shahabiyah (female comrades) passed away, hence the one who used to be piously staying in masjid nabawiy had no longer be seen. Rasul S.A.W asked, “where is that woman? she used to stay quietly in this mosque, sweeping the floor of the mosque, why didn’t we see her anymore? Hence all his comrades said, “she passed away, O’ Rasulullah”. The face of Rasul turned red, “why didn’t all of you inform me that she passed away?, didn’t inform me where she was buried?”, hence the comrades said, “she was buried at night, O’ Rasulullah, we didn’t have the heart to wake you up when she was buried”. Rasul said, “show me her grave”. Rasul S.A.W performed ghaib prayer (for the dead body) followed by his comrades. After praying, Rasul S.A.W declared, “inna hadzihil qubur mamlu’atun dhulmatun alayhaa, Innallaha yunawwirha bisshalaati alayhim ” (this grave is dark, said Rasul. With bad things, filled with darkness (perhaps with screams and cries) but Allah lights up this grave with my prayer towards her just now). This is the syafa’at (exceptional help given to certain people with Allah’s will) from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W towards his followers, he wouldn’t be pleased if his followers are in sadness.

As also written in Shahih Bukhari, he passed by the graveyard and stopped while saying, “2 of these graves are in trouble, the first one is someone who lived in this world playing off against each other and made people argue.” Be careful if we have given a tongue by Allah, not to use it for playing off against each other or finger pointing towards others. It could be false accusation, look at some of those religious clerics fighting with each other, while he is a Moslem, and in fact he is a religious cleric. This kind of action is definitely inappropriate, they will be severely punished inside their grave because they used to play off against each other.

Ladies and gentlemen, “the second one is someone who never cover parts of her body which are not allowed to be seen.” These two persons are in trouble now in their grave, Rasul said. Then Rasul took 2 leaves, the first one was placed on one grave, and the other one is for the other grave. Rasul S.A.W then said, “may Allah ease the tortures before that leaf goes dry.” There, ladies and gentlemen, Rahmatan lil Alamin who never have the heart seeing his Moslem bothers and sisters being suffered or in trouble. Prophet S.A.W bequeathed this character towards all of us, so if we see our brothers are in trouble, don’t sit on the fence and do nothing, lend them a helping hand.

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, If we see our relatives, our friends are in trouble, don’t be ignorance. Help them, inherit the character of Nabiyyuna Muhammad S.A.W who had declared in Shahih Bukhari “Allah loves a gentle character, and Allah gives more towards those people who are gentle and soft spoken compared to other people. Audience being glorified by Allah, this is indeed the most noble mankind, the most beautiful one created by Allah, he is Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.

As written in Shahih Bukhari, when Tsumamah bin Utsal radiyallahu anhu before converted to Islam, he came, being arrested because he was one of the kuffar (atheist) leaders, he was arrested and was about to be killed. Rasul S.A.W said, “don’t kill him, just tie him on the mosque’s pillar”. “then what we should do towards him?”, Rasul replied, “just leave him there, give food, give drink but leave him there, not in prison, not in his cell but inside the mosque”. Then that afternoon, Rasul asked, “O’ Tsumamah how are you?”, Tsumamah said, “if you kill me, then you kill someone who has blood”. It means, that if Tsumamah is killed, then his followers would not be quiet and will take revenge. “If you release me, you will find me as someone who knows how to be thankful”, replied Tsumamah. Hence Rasul S.A.W was silence, he knew it. The day after, he asked again, “Tsumamah, how are you?”, “my condition is if you release me, you will see that I am a person who are very thankful.” Tsumamah was getting frightened, he didn’t say “I am a person who has blood, could take revenge”, now he didn’t use such words, he said, “if you release me, then I am a person who are very thankful”. Rasul S.A.W went again and on the third day he S.A.W asked the same question, “Tsumamah how are you now?”, Tsumamah answered, “didn’t change from what I already said yesterday.”

This Tsumamah was very stubborn, indeed he deserved to be beheaded with a sword, and Rasul said, “release him”, “O’ Rasulullah, but he is a hostage?”, Rasul said “release him!”. Hence Tsumamah was released, where did he go? He went to the back of the mosque, took a bath, took wudhu then returned and said “Asyhadualla Illahailallah wa asyhaduanna Muhammadurrasulullah”. Tsumamah was a warrior, he didn’t want to convert to Islam while he was tied, he wanted to convert to Islam in freedom. If he was released he would convert to Islam, he didn’t want to be forced, Rasulullah knew it. And Tsumamah was touched by the character of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W while saying (this all is written in Shahih Bukhari) “indeed there was no other face I hate so much in this world but your face, but now it is your face that I love most from all faces in this world. Before, the religion I hated most is your religion O’ Muhammad, but now what I love most is your religion. There is no place, hometown that I hated so much other than this place, Madinah Al Munawwarah, but now this village is the place I love most compared to any other places.”

How could the soul change so fast, the face he hated most was the face of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, but it turned out to be the face most loved. It is because of the character of Nabiyyuna Muhammad S.A.W which could tear down the souls of those people who were drawn in their stubbornness, in all their arrogance. Tsumamah was a warrior, he didn’t want to convert to Islam when he was tied, once he was released, he wanted to convert to Islam. But he didn’t say, “release me, then I would have the willingness to convert to Islam”, instead he said “if you release me, I would be thankful”, that was it. And Rasul S.A.W released him. There, ladies and gentlemen, the character of Nabiyyuna Muhammad S.A.W in which the warrior voluntarily recited, “Asyhadualla Illahailallah wa Asyhaduanna Muhammadar Rasulullah”.

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, How beautiful the guidance from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is, how beautiful it would be if such best character like his, can be found now in midst of nowadays’ chaos situation. They start blaming each other, between father and son, son and father, husband and wife, or wife and husband, they try to underestimate each other. Be it due to the economic crunch, or because they are too rich, too many reasons. Because they are weak in their faith, this is in the world. When it comes to Judgment Day, they would behave even worse, underestimating one another. Remember our idol, Nabiyyuna Muhammad S.A.W, remember our behavior, this is the month of Muharram, in the new Islamic year, let us fix our relationship with our father and mother, and if the relationship is already good, make it even better and better, if it still not good, still make our parents upset or angry, make this night the starting night of our devotion towards our father and mother.

And of course we also congratulate RAS-FM (Radio Alaika Salam) that covers this event live (to be broadcasted through their radio station). To all their listeners, and towards all divisions which also support this noble program from RAS-FM, may Allah S.W.T give them Blessings. Ladies and gentlemen, in a few days we will pass the night of 1st January. We (Majelis Rasulullah) will conduct Tabligh Akbar on that night. Not to celebrate the new year’s eve, but to perform prayers and silent prayers for those of our brothers and sisters who are trapped in sins on that night. On that night, there will be the most sins conducted by the followers of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, there will be the most gambling and adulteries, all occur on that night from all over the world.

Hence we understand that such sins would be quickly wiped out by Allah S.W.T with disasters. Therefore, from year to year, we witnessed that while in December everything looked calm and the weather seemed okay, but once the new year’s eve ended, on the 1st January onwards we would see many disasters that would bring us tears. Why? Because it is the clean-up of all sins from Allah S.W.T and there are many hadits shahih from Shahih Bukhari and Muslim already mentioned that all disasters that come to these people are the cleaning of sins for them. But of course we don’t want any disasters, then what to do? Therefore we will always conduct Dzikir Akbar on that night.

While our brothers and sisters blow up the trumpet to celebrate new year, we call out the Name of Allah S.W.T, The Most Eligible Name to be glorified from all the names in the world. We recite dzikir with the words Allah, Allah as many as 1000X on that night of 1st January. It is definitely not to glorify the night of 1st January, but to compete with the dreadful of sins on that night. We pray in order for Moslem people to be protected by Allah S.W.T now that on all the surface of this earth, from all disasters that will come or sins that will occur on that night. There, my beloved audience being glorified by Allah.

Why must we do this? Because Allah S.W.T declared, “fadzkurullah dzikran katsira” (perform dzikir towards Allah, with a lot of dzikir) (QS. Al Ahzab 41) and also Rasul S.A.W declared, as written in Shahih Muslim, “there would never come the Judgment Day in this world, as long as there is still a Moslem who recites the Name of Allah, Allah”. As long as there are sill souls that perform dzikir towards Allah, the earth will not be ended. Why? Because Allah glorifies it. Allah glorifies the faithful souls, perform dzikir to call the Name of Allah. And indeed reciting dzikir is placed in sirran wa jahran, as mentioned in Shahih Bukhari : Allah S.W.T declared in hadits Qudsiy “ana ma’a ‘abdi haitsu maa dzakaranii wa taharrakat bii syafataah (I am with My servants when My servants remember Me and their lips are trembled while calling My Name). both lips which are trembled when calling the Name of Allah are noticed by Rabbul Alamin.

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, Therefore we make that night not for the sinful night, but for the night of prayer and silent prayers. For those who are able to attend, please come and inform all of our Moslem brothers and sisters. We will perform Dzikir Akbar on that night at Majelis Taklim Al Karimah led by KH. Ahmad Baihaqi in Manggarai, we will notify you the address later on. Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah, the program will be started at 21.30pm, when people start making noise with their trumpets, we will loudly call out the Nobility of The Name of Allah S.W.T. While they celebrate, we perform silent prayer, praying to Allah S.W.T, may Allah S.W.T give blessing towards those who are drawn in the darkness of their sins, may Allah take out their desire to conduct sins and replace it with the desire to perform noble activities.

Ya Rahman Ya Rahim we perform silent prayer towards Your Presence tonight, together with thousands of Moslem people, the palm of our hands are raised with a high hope towards Your Most Beautiful Name, The Most Powerful, Ya Rabb O’ The Name that will open up all kind of happiness in the world and beyond, in which by reciting dzikir to call Your Name, You will be with us and Your Love will be with us, O’ Rabbiy, in which each time we call Your Name, You wipe out and You clean our sins and You raise us up to get closer towards Your Presence. In which by calling up your Name, You will take out the disasters that come our way, and You will bring us happiness in the world and the day after.

Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, kindly manage us and all Moslem people, kindly tidy up the whole Jakarta and all areas from West to East, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, kindly ensure that all these face of us will never see the fire of hell forever, kindly ensure all of us pass away in khusnul khotimah (died in a good way), kindly ensure all of us pass away in the dignity of the meaning of the tauhid words Laailahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah S.A.W. Faquuluuu jamii’an (say this together) Ya Allah..Ya Allah..Ya Allah.. Faquuluuu jamii’an (say this together) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah

Ladies and gentlemen, increase the recitation of Laillahailallah and make this sentence a method to search for Allah’s blessings, as declared by Nabiyyuna Muhammad S.A.W in Shahih Bukhari “Whoever recites Laillahailallah to receive My blessings, hence Allah will rescue him from the fire of hell.”

Allah will raise from their body and soul, the desire to conduct good deeds and noble things and Allah will put out from their mind and soul, the desire to conduct sinful actions. That is the light of the sentence: Laillahailallah Muhammad Rasulullah.

Tabligh Akbar of Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W will be held on the night of 1st January (Wednesday night) at Majelis Taklim Al Karimah, and will be followed by Dzikir Akbar on Saturday at Majelis Taklim of Moslem Youth RW 03, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta. While on Friday, dzikir akbar would be conducted at the residence of Mr. Sulaiman on Jl. Kp.Tipar Rt.04/07 P.Kelapa Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. On Saturday night, Tabligh Akbar will be held in Johar Baru, Central Jakarta continued by visiting the holy grave of Habib Ahmad bin Alawi Al Haddad, Kalibata.

That’s all, beloved audience being glorified by Allah, we will meet up and gather again on next Monday night, Insya Allah with the excitement to welcome the arrival of our Noble Guru. We will conduct this majelis on January 12th, 2009 in MONAS, Insya Allah and will be attended by more than 1 million of Moslem people. Let us pray that this program will be a success and may all his events will be a success, as well as all his dzikir and tabligh.

Washallallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa Shohbihi wa Sallam Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 28 April 2009 )

Seek Allah’s Protection from Satan’s Whispers

قَالَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ:
يَأْتِي الشَّيْطَانُ أَحَدَكُمْ فَيَقُولُ مَنْ خَلَقَ كَذَا مَنْ خَلَقَ كَذَا حَتَّى يَقُولَ مَنْ خَلَقَ رَبَّكَ فَإِذَا بَلَغَهُ فَلْيَسْتَعِذْ بِاللَّهِ وَلْيَنْتَهِ (صحيح البخاري

Rasulullah S.A.W declared:
Satan could suddenly come up to all of you and whisper: who creates this?, who creates that?, until Satan says: who creates Your God?. If it comes to that point, seek protection (Ta’awwudz) towards Allah, and stop that kind of thought.” (Shahih Bukhari)

ImageAssalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

All Praise be to Allah S.W.T The Greatest Who Builds the kingdom of the entire world and makes each day as passageways of life which are continuously passed by His servants, especially the offspring of Adam whom although not moving, their ages will keep on moving. In which they can never return to the previous seconds or minutes. They always go towards the end of life, this is the objective of all kind of birth, towards one goal, that is the end of his life. Death is the end of all kind of objective of birth. All that was born is just like being dropped into a river which flows towards one objective, which is sakaratul maut (the agony of death). This is how the life of those who live in this world belongs to Allah Almighty,…, Allah..

And ladies and gentlemen, when we pass the river (the life’s path) which flows towards this death, even if we are 100 years old, it means there are only 36.500 days, and after that we will arrive at the end of the flowing river, towards the agony of death. Separating our soul from body, separate and split us up from whatever we see and hear. We are being separated from our body, being stopped the voice and spoken words, being stopped eyes from seeing, the hearing from listening. And at that time, even soul is separated from body, waiting for the time with Rabbul Alamin Jalla Wa Alla S.W.T

Ladies and gentlemen, in passing through the ocean of life which continuously flows, our life will never stop from aging, never will return and go back to the past, it keeps on moving. How many tasbih, dzikir, sujud (bowed down in prayer), taubat (repentance), prayers, sins, curses, untruth, and sinful acts that keep on flowing, which we could never go back to repeat it. But The Majesty of the earth and sky, The Most Gracious opens up the gate towards amnesty and it is the most spacious gate that goes beyond all kind of gates. The Gate of God’s Amnesty calls up all the sinners to relieve them from sins and make them closer towards the presence of Allah. Lucky to those who pass through the blessing of God. .

ImageIs there anything safer? Those who pass through the ocean will never know what will they face ahead? Would it be a canyon, big waves, storms, or wild beasts, from the sky of from the bottom of the sea, or poisonous food and other things? They will only have to pass through following the stream without knowing where to go or what will happen tomorrow? What must they do? Indeed is there anything more secure other than the people who are being loved by The Owner of The Ocean? Is there anything safer than people who are loved by Allah who owns that watercourse? The One Who decides to go right, left, towards disaster, or Blessing, easiness, righteousness, the ones most loved by Allah, the ones close to Allah will definitely be the safest because they are close to The Owner of the Watercourse. The Owner will never let His servants go towards the canyon of accidents; The Owner will save them because they are loved.

Ladies and gentlemen, The Supreme Being has declared in hadits qudsiy “man ahabba liqa’i ahbabtu liqa’ah” whoever longs for meeting up with Me, I long for meeting with him. I will never call “O’ Allah” unless Allah answers “ya abdiy inniy ana Allah ” O’ My servant, this is Me, Allah. What is this meaning? All calls and prayers, when they call for The Name of Allah, it will be answered, which is different than calling for any other names. If they call any other name, they might get reprimanded because of their sins or their mistakes or their betrayal or their crime, or they will not be heard because the one they call is busy, or the callers are ignored because the person they call is busy with something else. But it is totally different than the callers of Allah, the most magnificent from all to be called is Allah Allahu Allahu Allah Alllahu Allah.

Pass through this course of life with The Light of Allah. Who is The Light of Allah? Sirajan Muniraa, Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.

Ladies and gentlemen, The Prophet S.A.W taught us with this hadits. Satan may come and try to deceit us, as if it was started as a good whisper but will end badly. Satan said “man khalaqa kadza?” who made all this? Our answer is “Allah”. Who made the sun rise, the earth rotates? Our answer is “Allah Allah Allah”. Satan kept on asking “man khalaqa kadza?” who created this? “man khalaqa kadza?” who created that? Who created mankind from the sperm to become a perfect humankind? Our answer is “Allah Allah”

ImageThen Satan Lalu would trap us with the question “man khalaqa Rabb? Who created Allah? Satan mixes up the logic and faith, when faith is collided with logic, this proves how devil the Satan is, as warned by Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. Rasul S.A.W had found out this is the trick of Satan. Hence Rasul S.A.W said “if there is such question in your heart “who created your God?”, “falyasta’idz billah walyantahi” hence quickly ask for Allah’s protection and stop from such devil thought. Because your thought has been manipulated by Satan. If we think, “Why are we told to stop thinking?” if people ask about my God? “of course you can” but if it comes to the question who created my God? Stop right there.

Why couldn’t we use our logic? The answer is as follows: if there is someone who are there and knows which and what and more experienced, don’t ever we doubt him if we really bealieve in him. For example, we have a friend here from Sidney Australia Syekh Muhammad Abdullah. Then we travel to Sidney, there are 10 kinds of food and we don’t know which one is allowed to eat and which one is forbidden. Then he said, those with the green plate is OK, the red plate is allowed, the yellow plate is allowed, but don’t eat the one on the black plate, it is poisonous. With our logic, will we still eat it or not? We will not eat it because we trust the person. The one who still want to try is stupid and he will be drawn into the danger of the poison. .

The same thing goes to those who trust Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. Rasul declared “if your thought start asking what about this creation? What about that creation? Carry on, you may study further until eventually the Satan asked “who created your God?” stop it, said Rasul. “falyasta’idz billah walyantahi”. Ask for Allah’s protection, “O’ Allah kindly protect me from the devil of Satan’s trickery, logical tricks that will drag me away from tauhid”. Stay away from those thoughts, just like when our friend told us it was a poison, don’t try it because we trust our friend. And the most trustworthy person is Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.

There are myriads of proofs that the sunnah from Him S.A.W is the most modern knowledge from all kind of knowledge. I have delivered this many times towards all of you, being glorified by Allah. .

ImageLadies and gentlemen, when the sinners try to find the way to return to the amnesty of God, they are stuck again with the Satan’s whispers, “the fire of hell is eager to wait for you, and people like you deserve to be in hell, don’t ever think that you could even smell the fragrance of heaven”. This is the whisper of Satan, stay away from it because we are the sinners. It will be different if we are faithful people, whose days and nights never perform sins. We may think “maybe my good deeds are not accepted by Allah?” because we have performed many good deeds. But if we don’t have any good deeds and we think like that, hence we destroy ourselves, because we never perform any good deeds, and keep on drowning ourselves into sins. So there are some hadits nabawiy and verses from Alqur’an made only for those who perform countless of good deeds. There is certain guidance from Illahiyah for them, as they have performed countless good deeds and if they are guided towards things that make them concerned about torments of Allah, they will be arrogant, while those who will never smell the fragrance of heaven are those who have a little dust of arrogant attitude in their heart. Who has arrogant attitude in front of Allah? Those who feel that they perform many good deeds..

Ladies and gentlemen, for those who don’t perform any good deeds, days and nights they only commit sins, what will they brag in front of Allah Jalla Wa Alla? Ladies and gentlemen, Allah wants to avoid such thing from happen, hence revealed tandzir (warnings). There are many verses revealed, on tortures of Allah, anger of Allah, torments of Allah, anger of Allah. Why? Because they have been piety towards Allah S.W.T, and shouldn’t be tempted with Satan’s influence. We perform sins days and nights, and we keep on learning the above things, which would make us converted from Islam because of Satan’s whispers. wal iyya dzubillah. Instead of choosing this religion, better I chose other religion. No matter how hard I perform religious duties, still I might never make it to heaven, no matter how hard we perform good deeds, if we are predestined to be in hell, we would still be in hell. Eventually, perform good deeds or not, repent or not, we perform more sins, get even farther from Islam, and this is the thing that is most hated and most concerned by Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W .

Hence there are some groups of Moslems nowadays which easily point the finger at people who perform something as polytheism (syirik), glorifying Moslem clerics is polytheism, glorifying faithful people is polytheism, visiting graves is polytheism, hence Moslem people are confused as what to do? Has been answered by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, as written in Shahih Bukhari “wallahi inniy laa akhaafu an tusyrikuu ba’di …” In the Name of Allah, I am not afraid that polytheism will attack you all Moslem people, indeed wealth will make you fight with each other. The meaning is, although there are many Moslem converted from Islam but this didn’t bother The Prophet S.A.W, but the one worrying him S.A.W is the wealth that makes all of you fight with each other to get it. As we could see from non Moslem countries nowadays, the richest countries in the world, they don’t mind paying thousands of non Moslem people in America to fight against their own Moslem brothers. For what? for the sake of money and wealth. This is the thing that worried Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. .

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Therefore keep on flowing within the beauty of God. Rasul S.A.W declared on the magnificence of faithful and religious people. If you are together with faithful and religious people, multiply your prayers. Rasul S.A.W declared as quoted by Imam Bukhari in his book, Adabul Mufrad “alaa unabbi’ukum bi khiyarikum?” Do you want me inform you the best mankind amongst all of you? Who are they, O’ Rasulullah? Rasul said, “idza ru-uu dzukirallah” if you see his face, makes you remember Allah and long for Him. For all of you who want to perform good deeds, the one with such face is the best person from all my followers, said Rasul S.A.W

ImageAs mentioned by atsar (statements from comrades of Rasul S.A.W) and the tabi’in people, that the comrades’ face are exactly as described above. Those who see the comrades of Rasul S.A.W could easily recognize them. Why? There is a soft and calm light on their face; there is devotion light on their face. Therefore many put the pictures of religious people on the wall. Soon our Noble Guru will come, our Noble Guru Mulia Al Hafidz Al Musnid Al Habib Umar bin Hafidz, he is one of the shalihin people to whom I myself and thousands of people who see him days and nights, he is filled with sunnah of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Until if we want to find sunnah which is not found in the holy books, and we find it in the act of him (Al Hafidz Al Musnid Al Habib Umar bin Hafidz), hence it must be written in the book, we will find it in the book. Ladies and gentlemen, his deeds are so magnificent, his days and nights, if we see all his actions, there must be in the sunnah of Rasul S.A.W. .

I have been there, because in the past I also had doubt. I wanted to have a guru, not just a guru, or haphazardly followed some guru, no. I wanted to have a guru who faithfully follows the sunnah of Rasul S.A.W. Someone who truthfully stands on sunnah, hence when I often met with him, I fell in love with him. Because indeed his days and nights are nothing but the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. The first time I saw that “he sits when he drinks; he doesn’t want to drink while standing up”. Then after that I saw that “he walks fast”. I haven’t seen anyone who walks fast like this, from what I knew is that the shalihin people walk not so fast and the Moslem clerics that I know also walk leisurely. I haven’t seen anyone walk this fast. But indeed it is written in one book that when Rasulullah walked, he walked so fast as if the earth was rolled up because of the speed of his walk. The gestures of him (Al Hafidz Al Musnid Al Habib Umar bin Hafidz) are the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Whatever that we haven’t found, once we see his gestures, then we find in the guidance book, we will find it as sunnah of Rasul S.A.W. .

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
It is so magnificent. As written in Shahih Bukhari, Rasul S.A.W mentioned that “the angel will not enter a house with pictures and dogs”. I will not elaborate it comprehensively as we don’t have much time. Clarifying from this hadits and many more questions that I received but I didn’t have the time to answer at that time, now I will answer it. But only 3 questions I must answer tonight, as the time is very limited. Three things I must answer are as follows: .

The first is this one, which is enough to discuss. That Moslem clerics and muhadditsin (experts of hadits) take the lightest opinion of prohibition on painting of pictures are the paintings of people or living creatures that are painted perfectly from top to toe. If they are sketches only, they are not forbidden (not haram). There is even a lightest opinion, that if the pictures are the worshipped pictures, they are forbidden, but if they are not worshipped, the Islamic law considered it as makruh (being hated and should be avoided). We take this opinion, strong enough but being supported by Al Imam Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani in Fathul Baari bisyarah Shahih Bukhari “pictures that are not worhipped is considered makruh” not haram (forbidden) but makruh (being hated). And it is mentioned that angels will not enter a house with pictures and dogs. Let’s talk about pictures first, the problem with picture is the perfect picture, animals or mankind which is drawn perfectly from top to toe. Half body only is not forbidden. Photos are different from pictures, as photos are not drawings. What it meant is the hand painting, hand made with colors made by person, this is called a painting, mentioned in syari’atul mutaharrah, as explained by some of our Moslem clerics. Because in the era of Rasul S.A.W there was neither photo nor camera, hence camera is considered as ikhtilaf (different opinion amongst clerics). Hence we should know that camera is not considered as painting because it is only capture and record the picture and shadows. Shadows are recorded, not made by hand complete with the color of skin, eyes, and color of lips, which is forbidden, and the angel will not enter the house. p>

ImageBut Al Imam Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani mentioned that the angel not entering is considered as makruh. The meaning of the angel here is the angel of divine revelation (wahyu) which is Jibril a.s. Because Imam Ibn Hajar said “the proof is that angel Izrail still enter”. If angels cannot enter a house with pictures in it, then people cannot be dead, and in fact angel Izrail still can enter, the proof that angels still come inside unless the angel of divine revelation, angel Jibril a.s. Therefore it is considered makruh although some clerics consider it forbidden. We follow the ones who consider it makruh. Indeed better if pictures and paintings (not photos) are removed from our house and even if we have, the rule is makruh while some others consider it haram. It goes the same case with the dog. Insya Allah I will discuss it further next Monday night. .

And I will also answer this question, why was during Majelis Rasulullah S.A.W on last Monday night, with a plan of reciting dzikir 1000X, there were many political parties came?. I didn’t invite them, and if they want to come, who want to forbid them? They came with good will as they are the guests of Rasul S.A.W, though I didn’t invite them, they came. Alhamdulilah Jazakumullah Khairal Jaza, we pray for all the guests who come to us. If they would become government officials or authorities, hopefully they would be chosen, as the authorities are the ones who know about our majelis. That is my humble opinion. Free from any kind of political issues and will not have a tendency to any parties or politics. Still what we will fight for is the resurrection of sunnah Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W and hopefully sooner Jakarta becomes the earth and the city of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W, the city with the most people reciting dzikir, the city with the most people recite shalawat, amin allahumma amin.

Ya Rahman Ya Rahim this is the silent prayer, this is hope, this is request, O’ The Most Hearer, O’ The Most Seer of each and every soul, O’ The Most Seer each of our breath, O’ The Most Seer in a situation whether we will reach the agony of death, O’ The Most Omniscient on how our soul will be taken, You are O’ Rabb, You, O’ Rabb The Most Omniscient on where our body will be buried, who will bury us, in what condition will our body be taken down to earth, the cursed body filled with sins or the forgiven body being longed for, hence we you’re your Name.

ImageFaquuluuu jamii’an (recite this together) Ya Allah, Ya Allah..Ya Allah..Ya Allah.. Purify and holy our soul, Ya Allah, our days Ya Allah, O’ The Name entitled to be called, O’ The Most Luminescent, O’ The One Who is longing for all who long for Him, Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah,. O’ The One Who Allow our lips tremble when calling Your Name, Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah,.We recognize Your Command “I am with My servants if My servants remember Me and tremble his lips when calling My Name” (Shahih Bukhari). Rabbiy You allow our lips tremble calling Your Name, hence light up our soul with Your Name, Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah.

Faquuluuu jamii'an (recite this together) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah.

Ya Rahman Ya Rahim kindly wipe out all our sins, ensure all the audience tonight see the beauty of Your Most Magnificent Essence.

Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, ladies and gentlemen, let us pray together ask for Allah’s help towards Moslem people as commanded by our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W as written in Shahih Muslim “whoever pray for his Moslem brothers, hence the angels will say Amin and for you also the prayer you ask for your Moslem brothers.” Rabbiy we pray for Moslem people and may You give all the blessings towards Moslem people including all of our aims, all of aims of our guests, all that we have inside our souls, kindly answer with Ijabah, the answer for prayers. Prayer is forgiveness and kindly add more than what we ask You for. Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram, Ya Dzaththauli wal in’am. Also we ask for good leaders, the leader who will defend peace, leader who defends Islam, defend dignity, eradicate tyrannical, look after weak people. Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, bring peace amongst religions, bring peace towards this nation of the biggest Moslem country in the world. Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram. Ladies and gentlemen, the last one I want to convey is that our majelis will continue although our Noble Guru is not always in Jakarta. His schedule here is only on 26th April 2009, other than that day, he will be outside Jakarta. He comes to Jakarta for transit only, therefore our programs will still based on the regular schedules. .

ImageAnd for our Moslem brothers and sisters who will go through examination, may they all pass the examination with flying colors. Those who are in Senior High School, Junior High School and those who already sent us sms, letters and e-mails, may they will be given a success. May those who do business and trade will be given easiness in trading, those who work be given easiness in their jobs, those who look for a job be given a good job, and those living as family will be given peace in their household, those who are in problem be given easiness in solving their problems. Ya Rahman Ya Rahim, kindly take out the disease from the sick people, I have received many letters and sms asking for prayers for those who are sick, may be given health by Allah S.W.T, be given recuperation and wal afiah. And those who pass away, may be accepted their souls in the world between death and resurrection (barzah). Wa illa hadrotin Nabiy S.A.W Alfatihah..

Washollallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa Shohbihi wa Sallam. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Last Updated ( Monday, 15 June 2009 )